
The Book Without a Story

The Book Without a Story
  • 44.37

  • Срок доставки: до 21.04.2025
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  • Доставка "The Book Without a Story" по всему миру: США, Германия, Польша, Израиль, Англия и др.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Egmont Books
  • Язык: На русском
  • Год выпуска: 2019
  • Страниц: 32
  • Переплет: мягкая обложка
  • EAN: 9781405288484
Когда библиотека закрывается и последний библиотекарь уходит домой спать... книги оживают и рассказывают истории об их приключениях. Но Дасти никогда не брал книгу напрокат и мечтает найти кого-нибудь, с кем можно было бы поделиться своей историей...
Найдет ли он своего идеального читателя?
Чудесно передающая магию чтения и обмена историями, книга Каролины Рабей отлично подходит для поощрения юных читателей и воспитания любви к книгам.
Книга на английском языке.
A celebration of libraries, books and the joy of sharing stories, perfect for sharing before bedtime.
When the library closes, and the last librarian has gone home to bed . . . the books come alive and tell stories of their adventures. But Dusty the book has never been borrowed and dreams of finding someone to share his story with . . .
Will he find his perfect reader?
Carolina Rabei's gorgeous artwork bring this is magical story to life for children aged 3 years and up. Wonderfully capturing the magic of reading and sharing stories, this is a great book for encouraging reluctant readers and fostering a love of books.
Carolina Rabei has loved drawing since she was very small. She studied Fine Art, attaining a BA in Graphic Design in Moldova and then Children's Book Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art. Carolina's stunning first picture book illustrating Walter de la Mare's poem, Snow, was published to much critical acclaim and nominated for the esteemed Kate Greenaway Medal. Carolina went on to complete the Walter de la Mare series by creating three more gorgeous picture books: The Ride-by-Nights, Summer Evening and Silver. She also authored and illustrated Crunch! which was shortlisted for the Read It Again competition and has been translated into five languages.

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